Post-Trip Reflection: Make memories we knew would never fade
I started this trip off with the hope to achieve three things, an extra tool in my still-empty multidisciplinary toolbox, to see things from new perspectives and for me to find other opportunities overseas. I have to say, Steve Jobs was partially right; in many ways, what I had learnt from the trip, whether it was new perspectives or looking for opportunities, turned out very differently from what I had expected. And even though I could not see it then, looking back through the rear view mirror, everything seemed somewhat planned and connected. No wonder they say hindsight is 20/20! I feel happy to say that I think I had somewhat managed to see things in new light and, in a small way, spot various opportunities overseas.
What really gave me a different perspective was the trip to the village and the Cabaret show. In both cases, I tried to see things from the perspectives of the tribes people and the “lady boys” which gave me a very different view of the world. While many tourists may enjoy the performances or taking photos with them, it is also important to consider that many of them might not actually want to be there and be an “attraction” to be taken photos of. It might be because of their circumstances and background which had forced them into such a role. Additionally, I saw the “Disneyfication” of the “cultural” heritage of Chiang Mai for tourists to experience. Starting from the grouping of various tribes into a small location to the night market outside our hotel which no local would visit, it was as if tinted glasses were put over our eyes. Even with a local student partnered with us, it took us a few days to lift the veil slightly to see the local way of life. I did not think so back then but considering it now, I can see that it happens everywhere, even between Singaporeans in Singapore. Though not a bad thing, I think that I will try to dig deeper and see things from more perspectives in the future.
As for my third goal, to find opportunities, I would say that I was not able to really hit on anything. However, the trip made me even more convinced that I want to spend time exploring and travelling different countries. The seven days alone has helped me experience and see far more then what I would have seen staying in Singapore. Having been accepted to do an internship at Bangladesh next summer, I hope to use that opportunity to immerse myself in their culture and maybe pierce the Disneyfication “veil”. Hopefully. I could also travel the region at the same time to gather new experiences and see new problems, opportunities and perspectives. I think this trip has given me a short introduction to “chutzpah” and there is still a long way to go before I am able to get my black belt.
In conclusion, from the curiosity of the first day to the anxiousness of our pivot on the third and fun throughout, this trip is definitely one to remember. It was a good balance of fun, research and self-exploration. I have grown (I hope) from this experience and I believe that the lessons learnt from this trip could be furthered later on in the coming years I have in university.