Fieldwork and Documentation

University Scholars Programme

7th Jan Daily Postings

Day 4, we had a talk from a professor in CMU. We definitely learnt a lot more about the general situation in Chiang Mai from her. The trafficking situation for Chiang Mai’s border with Burma  got us thinking about Burma being another source of ivory trafficking. She also mentioned about South Korean refugees, Chinese tourists and…

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6th Jan Daily Postings

We have gotten many interviews done of tourists and informed parties like Juelle. Not much concrete evidence gotten of where the source of ivory sold in black markets comes from though. Hopefully the professors we’re meeting can shed some light on the ivory trade situation. Day 3, we went to the Doi Suthep temple. Apparently…

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5th Jan Daily Postings

Day 2, the rest of the group went with Jen to visit the elephant clinic while my sub-group stayed behind to interview a pair of Caucasian couple. We had high expectations of a fruitful interview as they were the head directors of a volunteer movement, Blue Star of Hope, that promotes positive social change in Thailand…

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4th Jan Daily Postings

Wow, I didn’t realise different parts of Thailand had such a big difference. Shopkeepers in Phuket definitely have more to learn from those in Chiang Mai. My experience in Phuket turned me off from bargaining when the shopkeeper threatened to chase me out. There is definitely a big difference in Chiang Mai where they automatically…

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Day 1

On Day 1, our group had the opportunity to travel from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai where we arranged a meeting with a general practitioner to get her views on our research topic of nutritional literacy. Based on our interview with her, we have found some interesting findings regarding her perception of nutrition literacy in…

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8th January Reflection

I think this pretty sums up my trip. Friends. That’s my biggest takeaway from the trip. These group of people taught me about work-play balance, made my laugh, helped me to bargain for lower prices; clearly all evidence of what friendship is about. I feel like they brought out the best of me, and I…

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7th January Reflection

“Hello, my name is Xinyu and I am a student from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University. Nice to meet you!” This would be my basic greeting to my interviewees and/or people that I meet along the way. I never truly understood what this statement meant until today. Such a simple statement; yet it carries such a…

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6th January Reflection

Cr: Ong Yong Jia I am extremely tired from playing and working hard. The past few days had been really fruitful and my group has been productive in terms of having fun and checking items off our to-do list. I can see the deliverables of our fieldwork coming together and I am really excited. Hopefully…

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5th Jan Reflection

Today I felt uncomfortable. Today I felt awkward. Today I felt out of place, and today I went out of my comfort zone. Today was the day I didn’t even realise I was dreading the most – the day we conduct interviews with the locals to find out how they feel/know about nutrition labels. Amidst…

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4th Jan Reflection

  I hope the photos shows off the kind of vibrancy I experienced on my first day in Chiang Mai. As I expected, Chiang Mai is indeed a lot more laid-back than what I have ever experienced in Bangkok. People here are very polite, and more culturally rooted. This can be seen by the locals…

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