Fieldwork and Documentation

University Scholars Programme

Pre- Trip Reflections

As the dates move closer to our departure for Chiang Mai, I am feeling increasingly excited to immerse myself in a foreign land and culture. With the company of my USP peers, I similarly look forward to connecting with and learning from them.   I am grateful for the immense privilege of being able to…

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Pre-trip Introspection

Bat Man, Ophrah Winfrey, a wide-eyed youth going on a community service for the first time? What do they all have in common? A savior mentality. I think many of us (privileged Singaporeans), myself included, find that we are entitled to take on a savior mentality when venturing into a less developed society – as…

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Pre-trip Projections

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” I stumbled upon this quote by Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and thought it spoke volumes to me. Mixed feelings abound in anticipation of the coming trip to Chiang Mai, the most significant of which is trepidation. I have never conducted…

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Pre-Trip Projections

This trip will also allow me to gain a better appreciation of other cultures, and better develop skills in cross cultural communication. The internet is a treasure trove regarding such information. Nothing, however, triumphs personal interaction with locals and students. I believe I will gain more in-depth insight about the lifestyle of the Thai people,…

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Pre-trip Projections

USP is committed to providing us with opportunities to go beyond our own major programs where we get to meet and experience new things from a different perspective. For one, USP scholars are very diverse in background with people of many different faculties and schools in NTU. This allows me to listen to and consider…

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Pre-Trip Projections

Pre-Trip Projections Going abroad, to me, should not simply be for the purpose of leisure or sightseeing. Rather, we should also take our overseas travels to be an opportunity to discover the world around us beyond the confinements of our existing knowledge. Given the research-based nature of this overseas trip, I believe I can acquire…

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Pre-Trip Projections

As a student majoring in Sociology, TOPS is particularly meaningful as the immersive intercultural experience allows for the effective study of society and social behaviors. The trip to Chiang Mai offers an exquisite opportunity for the first-hand exploration of culture in Northern Thailand with plenty of room for sociological inquiry. More specifically, I am eager…

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Pre-trip Projections

Amongst the many opportunities available to USP students, the freshmen overseas learning journey is considered a highlight to me. Going to Chiang Mai will prove that the USP is more than just a fancy title for a cohort of students taking exclusive classes across the liberal arts curriculum. Like many other Singaporean students, a large…

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Pre-trip Projections

Having been to Thailand only once with my friends to enjoy the beautiful beaches and tropical activities such as snorkeling in Phuket, my knowledge of Thailand was very limited.  While I had tasted the Thai culture, literally, and in terms of interactions with the people in my daily excursions, I never truly understood and appreciated…

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Pre-Trip Projections

5 days. 120 hours. 7200 minutes. The amount of time we have in Chiang Mai. The amount of time we have to determine the effects of modernisation and how it affects Chiang Mai’s traditional heritage. While this may not be my first overseas experiential learning trip with schools, this is but yet my first time…

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