Research Interest
The development of new and novel main group frameworks and compounds is pivotal to shaping chemistry as a discipline, in addition to advancing neighbouring fields such as biomedical, materials and engineering sciences. Main group compounds represent a large proportion of all commercial inorganic chemicals and recent advances in the field are propelling its importance to new heights in the 21st century. Hence, new developments in main group chemistry will be pivotal in providing the necessary knowledge and required tools for the advancement of sustainable chemical processes from “blue-skies” to applied research and industrial processes.
The general objective of my research group is to gain the necessary knowledge – concerning synthetic methodology, structural and reactivity properties – required to solve present and future technological challenges through the use of main group chemistry.
Our research combines traditional and innovative methodologies to synthesize new and novel main group frameworks and focuses interest in development of the following:
- Novel main group molecules and complexes for biological systems application.
- Mechanochemistry for new and improved methodologies in inorganic synthesis.
- New main group (phosphazane and carbene) architectures for materials and catalysis.
- Other research interests