by Hedren Sum | Sep 25, 2019
By Marco Barotti | Professional (International category) “It is important for me to see Singapore as a new country that is developing very fast. It needs external inspirations from international artists to help the local community develop… new way of thinking in...
by Hedren Sum | Sep 25, 2019
By Yuk Yiu Ip | Professional (International category) “I don’t start with a clear idea. I often just start experimenting, playing, collecting and making different smaller things. Usually the artistic ideas will start to emerge from the little things that I made or...
by Hedren Sum | Sep 25, 2019
By Songyu Bao| Student category “Digitalisation helps to minimise mistakes, which helps us to make more variations of the artwork rather than using a trial and error method, wasting resources. Yes, one can argue that sometimes we create amazing works out because of...
by Hedren Sum | Sep 25, 2019
By Dave Lim | Student category “My art sits in the middle of the 3rd and the 4th [industrial revolution] , if we had to classify it that way. In the ubiquitous /democratised nature of the image now, what images can we make as artists that still provoke and inspire? In...
by Hedren Sum | Sep 25, 2019
By Alessandro Perini | Professional (International category) “One aspect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which really impacted on me is the ubiquity and capillarity, of technology, which nowadays almost merge with our bodies. After a period of research about sound...