Inviting reports at EIDG (31 July 2019)

Date and Time: SGT 09:30~12:15 & 14:00~15:30, Wednesday, 2019.07.31

Location: MAS EC ROOM 1 (SPMS-MAS-03-06)

Time Reporter Title
09:30 10:00 EIDG members A brief introduction to seismic modelling and imaging research work at SPMS, NTU
10:00 10:30 Qifu Chen Seismic constraints on the magmatic system beneath the Changbaishan volcano
10:30 11:00 Jianshe Lei Seismic structure of the Qianguo and Songyuan source areas in NE China
11:00 11:15 All Visitors Visiting the Hive & Taking photos
11:15 11:45 Hejun Zhu

Introduction to UTD Seismic Imaging Laboratory

11:45 12:15 Xu Yang Seismic tomography, frozen Gaussian approximation and deep learning
12:15 14:00 All Visitors Lunch and Visit EOS & ASE
14:00 14:30 Jiubing Cheng

Seismic body-wave mode decomposition: methodology and applications

14:30 15:00 Weisen Shen Seismic investigation to the Transantarctic mountains and their impact on the geothermal heat flux
15:00 15:30 Shengji Wei Earthquake study in SE Asia


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