Hey, folks, it’s a wrap!

Four years ago, I stepped into NTU a bleary-eyed freshman, unsure of my passions and still finding my footing in life.

Now, as I’m about to graduate from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information (WKWSCI), I’m proud to say my decision to study here was the right one.  

Here are some of my best undergraduate moments:

1) Travelling to Durban, South Africa, for an international conference

Last year, my group mates and I were lucky to obtain a travel grant from the school, which subsidised the cost of our trip to South Africa for the International Association for Media and Communication Research conference. There, we presented our research project on the thought processes that people engage in when forming attitudes on nuclear energy use.

I’m really grateful to WKWSCI for giving us this great opportunity.

Jeremy41The academics we met at the international conference were both surprised and impressed by the fact that we were only undergraduates.

2) Taking part in the Undergraduate Research Experience on CAmpus (URECA) programme

I joined this university-wide programme – which is aimed at encouraging research amongst undergrads – and found it truly enriching.  It was my first time working directly with professors and research fellows on an individual project, and I learnt a lot about experimental methods in the realm of social sciences. Thanks to the guidance and flexibility of my supervisor, “Prof Bo”, I was able to juggle both a full-time internship and the URECA stint.

URECA strengthened my interest in academic research, and I hope to pursue this path again in future.

Jeremy42With my patient URECA supervising professor, Asst Prof Jung Younbo

The professors in NTU are not only good educators, but also inspiring role models. Most of the ones I met during the course of my studies were not only competent and knowledgeable, but also helpful and encouraging.

Jeremy43With some of our professors at WKWSCI. 🙂

3) Hanging out with a bunch of great people

Working, studying and playing with my peers all these years really solidified our friendships. The numerous outings and house parties are all important memories that I will cherish forever. I hope we will stay in touch long after our next “reunion” at the NTU Convocation!

Jeremy44Comments? Email us at hey@ntu.edu.sg