Activity 5

(1) Consider B’s turn from the point of view of its ‘goodness-of-fit’ to the previous turn. Can you think of any reason why it should take this particular shape?

1 A: Is it near Edinburgh?
2 B: Edinburgh? It’s not too far,

(2) Comment on the form and function of B’s turn, i.e., its make-up and positioning on the one hand, and the work that it’s doing on the other.

1 A: He’s a good looking fellow and he’s got a beautiful wife.=
2 B: =Ye:s. Go:rgeous girl.

(3) Would you say that B’s talk in lines 2, 3 and 6 has a ‘preferred’, ‘dispreferred’, or some other status? Why?
1 A: Why what’s the matter with y- You sound [happy? hh
2 B: [Nothing,
3 I sound happ[y?
4 A: [Ye:ah.
5 (0.3)
6 B: No:?

(4) What features of design can you detect in A’s turn? How many TCUs does it have, and what does each one do?
1 B: And uh the- Uh if you’d care to come over and visit a little
2 while this morning, I’ll give you a cup of coffee.
3 A: hehh! Well that’s awfully sweet of you, I don’t think I can
4 make it this morning, hh uhm I’m running an ad in the paper
5 and- and uh I have to stay near the phone.

(5) Consider Nan’s talk in line 5. How would you describe its form and function? Next, look at Emm’s talk in line 7. What do you think she is doing here? Finally, comment on Nan’s talk in lines 8-10 in terms of its contribution to the ongoing ‘project’.

1 Emm: [Wanna c’m] do:wn ‘av [a bah:ta] lu:nch w]ith me?=
2 Nan: [°It’s js] ( ) °]
3 Emm: =Ah gut s’m beer’n stu:ff,
4 (0.3)
5 Nan: Wul yer ril sweet hon: uh:m
6 (.)
7 Emm: [Or d’y]ou’av]sup’n [else ° ( ) °
8 Nan: [Let – ] I : ]hu. [n:No: I haf to: uh call
9 Roul’s mother, I told’er I:’d call’er this morning
10 I [gotta letter] from’er en.hhhhhh A:nd uhm
11 Emm: [° (Uh huh.)°]
12 (1.0)

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