Hello readers! My name is Denise, and I am a third year Psychology undergraduate in Nanyang Technological University. This blog was created as part of a module assignment for Conservation Psychology. I decided to take up this module to learn more about the relationships between humans and nature as well as how we can play a part in conserving our natural environment. Having been born and bred in Singapore, it is a common problem that we get plagued by transboundary haze due to forest fires occurring in our neighboring countries like Indonesia.  This haze crisis piqued my interest in exploring more about the topic of deforestation in Southeast Asia. In this blog, I will discuss about the causes, impacts, measures taken as well as what else can be done to tackle the problems of deforestation in Southeast Asia from a Conservation Psychology perspective.


New to conservation psychology?

Fret not! Look out for this light bulb that will explain any Conservation Psychology theories and concepts that I will use in my blog!


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