
Jane Goodall became vegetarian after she read a book of intensive farming. She recommends to all to reduce meat eating in order to protect the environment, maintain one’s personal health and keep animal rights.

Meat eating is increasing especially in wealthy countries. It requires farming and meat industry what can have a damaging effect on the environment. Forests are cut down in order to graze animals and to grow grains for them, thus it can contribute to climate change by the increasing level of CO2. Also, a huge amount of water is used in animal industry and natural waters are polluted by food industry chemicals. Increased consumption of red meat can lead to health issues and also heavy meat eating can have negative consequences on one’s health by the hormones and antibiotics what animals gets. Animals are often kept crowded in bad conditions in the farms.

With the reasons above Jane recommends a less meat focused diet. It is no question that food industry has a huge impact on the environment and contributes to several environmental issues. Even when we decide what to have for lunch we make an impact on the environment!

“Consider the farmer who sprays his fields with insecticide to kill the bugs that are damaging his crops. He kills thousands of harmless insects as well, including some that actually do good, such as bees that pollinate the flowers and give us honey. Creatures that feed on insects, especially birds, also get sick and die. In the end, because the poisonous chemicals get widely distributed, humans may become sick, too.”
Jane Goodall, My life with the Chimpanzees

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