Jane Goodall Institute

Jane Goodall Institute was founded in Virginia, in 1997 by Jane Goodall with the aim to improve life on animals, humans and protect the environment. It became a global non-profit organization, and has services in more than 25 countries around the world. It creates conservation and development programs with the Roots & Shoots global youth organization to create a harmonious relationship between humans, animals and nature. It inspires people to conserve the natural world by making them aware that every individual makes an impact on the environment and humans are part of nature as everything is connected. The Institute follows Jane’s motto: “Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”

It developed to a global leader in chimpanzee and primate protection. It supports the protection of endangered species by creating sanctuaries, law enforcement (e.g. against pouching), improving their natural habitat and keeping public education. It fosters the Gombe Research Center, and chimpanzee conservation at Gombe. It encourages local people, governments and organizations to contribute to habitat improvements.

The global wildlife and environment organization has a holistic approach – it uses education, research and science and involves local communities to improve sustainability and conservation.

By providing environmental education about wildlife and environmental issues and emphasizing the importance of conservation, it helps people to understand the impact of their actions and increases public awareness.

Jane encourages the youth to make changes

It continues Jane’s research on primates. Understanding our closest living relatives can provide a better understanding of humans’ place in the world and also contribute to improvements in protection of the animals and conservation. The institute uses the latest technology and scientific discoveries for measurements and data gaining what can lead to more effective strategies through better understanding of the problem. It provides information to the communities, helps creating conservation action plans and encourages them to evaluate the plan by monitoring the changes of the problem.

Community centered conservation is one of the main strategies of the organization. It redefined conservation with including local people’s need. It helps creating sustainable livelihoods and techniques. It has developed better agricultural practises with more sustainable production techniques what can ensure forest and water protection with increased incomes. It’s aim is also to relieve people in poverty in Africa by developing centered health projects (improvement of water supplies, ensuring healthcare) and to assist gender inequality by providing education to young women.