Impact on Economy


[Ulaanbaatar smog] (2018). Retrieved from

The heavy smog hanging in Ulaanbaatar has posed a serious threat to the economy as it is firstly a health hazard which affects the efficiency of the work force when people get sick more often with malignant diseases. (Jadambaa, Spickett, Badrakh, & Norman, 2014). Secondly, it is also a safety hazard, as the air can become extremely thick with particles, preventing people from being able to see clearly, thus becoming more susceptible to traffic accidents (Tali, 2017), which inadvertently depletes work force efficiency. Third, it affects education, as children often have to skip school due to the smog being extremely hazardous (Timsit, 2019). Finally, this adds another factor for consideration to potential tourists visiting Mongolia (Pile, 2018), which negatively impacts the economy of Mongolia.