About the writer

Dear readers,

First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this blog about water management, an extremely important topic for my home country, the Netherlands. I am a 21-year old, third year psychology student in Tilburg (the Netherlands), but  currently studying on the other side of the world, in Singapore at Nanyang Technological University. Normally I’m mostly interested in psychology topic regarding human health and biology, but trough my courses I want to expand my knowledge in other fields of psychology. Living in an enriching environment such as Singapore in combination with the course Conservation Psychology made me really think differently about my beliefs and motivations to change. I’m really trying to change my own lifestyle and my consciousness about my impact on this world. To me, one of the most important steps is to begin with yourself.

However, governments can be an enormous influence in human behavior. The Dutch water management is a good example of how management can successfully motivate and educate residents.

I’m writing this blog with the purpose to inform people about the importance of sustainable water management, and raise awareness about how we can change our own behavior.

However, writing is not my biggest talent, I hope to explain everything as clear and entertaining as possible. I am trying to improve my writing skills through this blog! Feel free to leave a comment in case you have any questions or something to add.

I hope you enjoy reading!