Attitudes of people in vulnerable areas

However, a lot of farmers live in the areas that could be taken over by the rivers. These areas are part of the ‘Room for the river project’. Most of those farmers realize they live in vulnerable areas, they know that they may have to move one day. Those people can either choose to stay with the knowledge that they may have to move, or leave before the time comes. When people decide to leave, they get help with finding another place from the government. Moreover, a lot of people decided to stay because they liked the area so much. But most of those people who stay state that they don’t mind leaving so other people can keep their feet dry. They are willing to sacrifice their own place for the safety of others. The main focus of the program is to keep the Dutch safe and compensate the ones that have to sacrifice.

A lot Dutch people see the fight against water as the core of their Dutch identity. Some heroes of the folk are associated with water and the ‘Watersnoodramp’ is a big part of the nations’ history.