Single-use disposables

The biggest problem with the materials used in takeaway are that they are not recyclable, and hardly reusable. Listed below are the most common materials used:

    • Styrofoam (containers)
    • Plastic (containers, cutlery, plastic bags to contain sauces/containers)
    • Wood (chopsticks)
    • Waxed brown paper

The graphic below explains how each of these materials cause harm to the environment:

Graphic created by Faith Yoong using Canva


In 2015, it was found that the disposables used in takeaway food and for dining-in  made up at least one-tenth of all plastic, paper and cardboard waste produced by Singaporeans. This waste also accounted for 11 per cent of 766,800 tonnes of plastic waste, and 14 per cent of 588,500 tonnes of paper and cardboard. (NEA, 2016). Despite the declining birth rate, Singapore’s population still continues to grow steadily over the years. As such, it is concerning because this means that the amount of waste generated from takeaway food will increase as well.