Individual Efforts

Never underestimate the power of an individual. YOU can make a difference in protecting Singapore’s night sky! Here are a couple of simple and relatively lost-cost behaviours that can help in combating light pollution:

Raising Awareness

Before we can effect change, there is a need to educate the general public on the negative impacts of light pollution. You can help by becoming a dark sky advocate by sharing this blog on social media (link available at the bottom of this page) or simply through word-of-mouth in your school, workplace and neighbourhood.


Image credit: Limelight PR


Currently, there are no groups in Singapore that are advocating for a dark sky. Hence, I have created a Facebook group “Singapore Dark Sky”, hoping that with your help, we can garner the support of like-minded individuals to eventually create a large community which believes in reducing light pollution. Only by having a strong community can we have greater influence in urging the Singapore government to carry out initiatives that will reduce light pollution on a larger scale.

Become a Citizen Scientist


Loss of the Night App. Image credit: Google Play

Without any experience, you can contribute to international research on light pollution just from a free app downloadable on your phone! Using the “Loss of the Night” app (accessible on iPhone and Android), based on the number of stars visible, you can help to report how brightly lit the night sky is in the area where you live. With this data, you will help scientists across the world understand the light footprint within your area and contribute to future research regarding light pollution.