Other Ventures

Dr Kahumbu has written articles for the Guardian. They aim to spread the word further of the importance of conservation, especially raising awareness of these issues in Africa. She has written about wildlife, the ivory trade industry and the importance of young conservationists. In one article, she discusses Wilson’s biophilia and acknowledges the ability to combat this through reconnection. She states a time whereby WildlifeDirect, where she holds the CEO position, invited school children to the Mpala Research Center to count reticulated giraffe, also teaching them how to use an image based ecological information system. Using said software, she felt, acts as a pathway into transforming public attitudes and reconnecting with nature.

She has also co-written a global best selling children’s book about the friendship between a hippo and tortoise, called Owen and Mzee. 

In addition to this, she lectures at her alma matter, Princeton University, on a conservation course.