About me

Hi! My name is Qiaoyu, and I am currently a 2nd-year student at Nanyang Technological University, majoring in Psychology.  I enjoy studying about the human mind and what motivates our various behaviors. I have an adorable Jack Russell and I enjoy playing with her during my free time. Watching contents (pictures, videos, memes) of cute animals on Youtube, Instagram and other social media platforms is also my other favorite activity to pass time. 🙂

I took conservation psychology because I think that it will be useful to learn about what drives people to engage in non-environmental friendly behaviors and how to better encourage more conservation efforts. I want to help those helpless animals that are suffering as a result of human being’s greed. I choose this topic because I believe that even though there are many lucky animals (like pets ) that are well treated and protected by us, there’s still many animals out there that are not as lucky. They don’t get much attention from us and their plight are not shared a million times on Instagram or facebook. Thus, this got me thinking why do we treat animals so differently? Shouldn’t we treat all animals equal since we ‘love animals’?

Therefore, I think that it is interesting to study more about the difference in our behavior towards different animals.