
This blog details the life of Robert Irwin since his birth with the purpose of tracking, analysing and promoting his efforts in nature and wildlife conservation. The blog will also take one step further to discuss Robert’s relevance to conservation psychology and use conservation psychological theories to understand, explain and analyse his impact footprint on the world. 

This biography of Robert Irwin has been organised into different categories, with each bullet point below representing a single page. To have a complete picture of him and his contribution to conservation, the blog should be read in the following sequence:

  1. Robert Irwin
    • About Robert
    • Influence of Family & Australia Zoo
      • Developing an Affiliation with Nature through Family
      • A Sense of Place Identity & Dependence to Australia Zoo
      • Impact of Australia Zoo on Robert
    • Achievements
    • Fun Facts
  2. Conservation Issue
  3. Spreading Conservationism
    • Australia Zoo
    • Partnership
    • Television Programs 
      • Crikey! It’s the Irwins
      • The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon
    • Photography
    • Social Media
  4. Impact Analysis 
    • Effect of Television Programs
    • Effect of Monetary Contributions
    • Effect of Crocodile Research Project
  5. Moving Forward
    • Biodiversity Focus
      • Introduction
      • Innovation Approach to Biodiversity
      • Leveraging on Psychological Theory
    • Community-centric Intervention
      • The Situation
      • The Root Problem & Solution