Developing an Affiliation with Nature through Family

Dressed in the uniform of Australia Zoo since young, Robert is someone who possesses a strong sense of environmental identity who greatly identifies with the natural environment. Based on research conducted, two common themes among people who identify strongly with the natural environment have positive experiences with nature during their childhood years and family members who exhibited respect for the natural environment (Chawla, 1999).

According to Clayton, Fraser, and Saunders (2011), an environmental identity refers to a sense of self as conceptually interdependent with or connected to the natural world. The special relationship Robert has with nature could be explained by taking a closer look at the relationship between him and his family. Robert’s first encounter with wildlife was when he was just 1 month old as his father was seen carrying him in one arm while concurrently hand-feeding a chicken’s carcass with his other to a 3.8-meter saltwater crocodile. This indirect interaction with the crocodile marked his very first experience with wildlife early on in his life. 

Raised in a close-knitted family, Robert’s strong affiliation with nature could be attributed to his parents. Both Robert’s parents were staunch advocates of environmentalism and were role models in the wildlife conservation sphere. Steve Irwin once said that he considered himself a wildlife warrior and his mission was to save endangered species across the world (The Age, 2003). As such, with wildlife advocates as parents, there is a higher tendency that this love would rub off on their children. Additionally, as his parents were zookeepers and environmentalists, Robert had plenty of interaction with nature and wildlife since he was a child. Kals, Schumacher, and  Mondata (1999) opined that this association is probably why Robert has such a strong emotional affinity towards nature.

As his family owns the Australia Zoo, Robert is being placed in an environment where his sense of ecological self was supported by a pro-environment social network. He also had the opportunity to gain a myriad of wildlife experiences over a significant amount of time throughout his life due to his family’s dedication to wildlife conservation. This can explain why Robert has been able to consistently maintain a strong environmental identity (Seed, Macy, Fleming, & Naess, 1988).

Photo: @robertirwinphotography

Robert’s Inspiration – Steve Irwin

Although Robert was only a mere 3-year-old infant at the time of Steve Irwin’s demise, Steve still played a highly influential role in moulding Robert into the person he is today. Robert never fails to attribute his conservation efforts to his father during his interviews and via his social media posts. Robert’s attempts at immortalising Steve’s legacy is proof of Steve’s influential light.

During one of Robert’s interviews this year, he described how proud he was of Steve and how he managed to rewire people’s viewpoints on animals through the way he approached wildlife. In his interview, Robert also reiterated his hopes of preserving Steve’s legacy. In two of his earlier Instagram posts, Robert went on to describe Steve as the “best dad” one could possibly have and how it is an honour to be able to follow in his footsteps.

Many, including his sister Bindi, have claimed that Robert is a “spitting image” of Steve. Bindi even opined that each and every of Robert’s actions, from the way he walks to the way he talks, bears a striking resemblance to his father. She further added that Robert is doing an amazing job at continuing Steve’s legacy.

Photo: @robertirwinphotography