
Climate change. It’s an idea that we are all aware of and well-acquainted with. As the effects of climate change and global warming become more tangible to us, it is human nature to try and solve this problem for the preservation of humankind.

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All around us, people take action in different ways. There are environmentalists lobbying for governments to change environmental policies, advocates fighting for animal rights and social justice warriors taking to social media to raise awareness. Customers are prompted at the checkout to purchase a reusable bag for a dollar instead of using plastic bags, and cafes now have reusable mugs on sale to promote ‘Zero Waste’.


Now think about yourself. What do you do to help combat climate change? Are you a proud owner of a set of metal straws that you whip out once in a while when you remember to bring them with you? Lest they stay on your shelf and collect dust because you forgot about them. Now don’t get me wrong, using reusable items can and do help reduce waste. However, things are not as straightforward as such pro-environmental behavior is riddled with complexities. Many other factors are not immediately apparent to the everyday consumer and this is what this blog will discuss.