Benefits of Green Spaces

Sustainability has always been part of the Singapore story, and we were green long before it was ‘fashionable’ to do so. Even in the early years when there was pressing need to alleviate problems related to housing, unemployment and education, ‘sustainable development’ was incorporated into the growth of our little red dot. Two short years post-independence, the Garden City Programme was kickstarted by the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew to make Singapore a highly livable city filled with an abundance of greenery. Mr Lee’s legacy now lives on in every tree lining the roadsides and, on every bougainvillea perched atop overhead pedestrian bridges. It is without a doubt that there is a wealth of benefits green spaces can bring, or there would not have been nation-wide efforts to make this small city one of the greenest in the world. So, what value do green spaces actually bring to a society and its inhabitants?

Sunlight filtering into the rainforest through the canopy in the late afternoon; photo by blog author, Shi Ying

In this section, I would be examining the benefits of green spaces in a multitude of perspectives:

  1. Economic
  2. Environmental
  3. Psychological

I would also explore the impacts of green spaces on different age groups wherever possible and relevant. Come join me in discovering the benefits of green spaces and why you should step out and immerse yourself in one of these spaces someday!


(Discover: Economic benefits)