Elaboration Likelihood Model

Lastly, the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion is a model that details two ways in which persuasive communications can cause a change in attitude via two ways: the peripheral route to persuasion and the central route to persuasion.

Image by Teo Jing Kai (2019)
    • Peripheral Route to persuasion is when the person does not engage in attitude or behavioural change and are swayed by more superficial cues (i.e. who is the speaker? what is the speaker wearing? how is long is the speech?).
    • Central Route to persuasion is when the person is motived and is able to listen more about the arguments presented. They are able to process the content presented.
Reference: https://www.businesstopia.net/communication/elaboration-likelihood-model


To encourage and promote sustainable behaviour, the Yale Attitude Change Approach can be used to ensure effective persuasion attempts in the messaging. It is the study of conditions where people are most likely to experience and attitudinal change. It is important to consider the source of communication, nature of communication and nature of the audience. The image below showcase how this approach can be used to encourage sustainable behaviour.

Reference: Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2016). Social psychology.


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