
An unwanted pregnancy is never easy business. Here are some useful resources that you might want to peruse before your abortion. Access to safe abortion is an important prerogative if we are to sustainable population growth.

Here are resources to ensure that you are as well-informed as you can possibly be. Needless to say, you are encouraged to speak with a registered medical professional for more information.

Note: This blog does not advocate pregnancy termination as a desirable outcome. Abortion can have serious consequences on the body and mind, and should not be treated as a game. Please exercise, as much as reasonably possible, preventive birth control and speak to your general practitioner about birth control options.

An abortion is the termination and expulsion of a pregnancy before birth. An abortion can occur spontaneously, in which case it is often called a miscarriage, or can be induced. It is generally done in one of two ways — an abortion pill or an in-clinic abortion procedure. These ways are safe and common, and you should feel no shame in contemplating an abortion.

Source: https://www.philosophytalk.org/blog/abortion

Legal connotations to abortion vary between states. In Singapore, where I come from, there is (1) no minimum or maximum age caps for abortion, (2) no legal requirement for minors under 16 to seek parental consent for abortion, and (3) a prohibition to abort a fetus after 24 weeks (or 6 months) of pregnancy unless the mother’s life is in danger. Although Singapore partakes in the Common Law system, do not assume that abortion laws are the same in your state. For your own safety, please consult a legal professional or learn more about the medical laws in your state.

Planned Parenthood is an organisation based in the United States that offers toll-free abortion counselling to those considering abortion. They are also a valuable one-stop information resource for contraception and family planning altogether.

The Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) is a women’s rights organisation dedicated to the promotion of true gender equality. Through research, advocacy, education, training, and support services, AWARE aims to eliminate gender-based barriers to help women in Singapore. A significant portion of their services includes education and support for abortion. They provide a toll-free helpline and a legal clinic to ensure that women considering adoption are well-supported in their decision.

If you have decided to terminate your pregnancy, Pregnancy Options has a useful site containing information on different types of abortions to help you decide which method of abortion is best for you.