
When people think of “ecofeminism”, their mind conjures a certain image: a privileged hippie White woman in Birkenstocks who enjoys hugging trees. I used to be one of those people too, until I watched this Youtube video last year.

I know that most people don’t have the time to sit through a lengthy 33-minute video, so I hope to do for you what this video did for me! In this blog, I break down what ecofeminism really is, debunk some misconceptions, discuss the tangible impacts of ecofeminism, and relate it to conservation psychology.

It’s best to navigate this blog moving from left to right in the header panel, beginning with What is Ecofeminism? and ending with Ecofeminism in Practice. Within each drop-down menu, the concepts discussed are clearer if you navigate from top to bottom. For example, you can begin with What is Ecofeminism? and end with Debunking Myths.