Gombe Stream Research Center

The Gombe Stream Research Center (GSRC) was established in 1967 to coordinate the ongoing Chimpanzee research in the park, ran mostly by a team of trained Tanzanians. Today, it stands as the longest running field study of an animal species in their natural surroundings of over 40 years.

GSRC’s exhaustive and comprehensive data has provided modern scientists with insights into Chimpanzee behaviour and community structure across a span of multiple generations, allowing us to better understand the demographics of our closest living relative. The ongoing research also highlights the major threats to Chimpanzees’ survival at Gombe, where the information is crucial for conservation initiatives aimed at eliminating these sources of threats. In addition, research in Chimpanzee habitat requirements aids in improving the designs for new protected areas and sanctuaries to ensure their wellbeing.

Today, research from the GSRC has been published in 35 Ph.D. theses, over 400 papers and 30 books.

Let’s take a look at how the Gombe Stream Research Center and its surroundings look like!