

In the Shadow of Man (1971)
This is Goodall’s best-selling classic that includes an overview of her 55-year Gombe stream study on Chimpanzees as well as her major discoveries.

The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behaviour (1986)
This book centers on Goodall’s scientific work on Chimpanzees. 

The Chimpanzee Family Book (1989)
Specifically written for children, Goodall attempts to educate them about the ethical treatment of animals. This book was the receiver of the 1989 UNICEF Children’s Book-of-the-Year Award. The prize money was used to translate the text into Swahili before the text was distributed to children living in or near areas populated by Chimpanzees. Such areas included Tanzania, Uganda and Burundi.

Through a Window (1990)
A follow-up to In the Shadow of Man, this book details 30 years of Goodall’s studies at Gombe including discussions on Chimpanzees’ courting behaviours. In addition, Goodall also raised concerns of unethical and immoral practices involved in animal research.

Reason for Hope: A Spiritual Journey (1999)
One of Goodall’s best selling books, this text has been translated into a total of 13 languages, where it carries Goodall’s convictions about spirituality and moral evolution.

Harvest for Hope: A Guide to Mindful Eating (2006)
Listing out both short and long-haul consequences of our destructive eating habits on the environment, animal welfare as well as our health, Goodall encourages individuals to consume less meat. 

Hope for Animals and their World: How Endangered Species are being Rescued from the Brink (2009)
In this book, Goodall shares fascinating stories of how formerly endangered species once on the brink of extinction are now facing a rebound in their population.

Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the Plants (2013; 2014)
Goodall discusses the role of trees and plants in our world. This book was involved in a plagiarism controversy.


Among the Wild Chimpanzees (1984)
The National Geographic Society.

Chimps: So Like Us (1990)
HBO Special.

My Life With the Chimpanzees (1990)
The National Geographic Society.

People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe (1997)
Discovery Channel Video.

Reason For Hope (1999)

Jane Goodall’s Wild Chimpanzees (2002)
A Science North Production

Jane Goodall’s Return to Gombe, Jane Goodall’s State of the Great Ape, Jane Goodall’s Heroes, When Animals Talk, Almost Human
Animal Planet

Jane’s Journey (2010)
Animal Planet