
What can the community as a whole do to help reduce the littering problem?



NEA Campaign logos

NEA initiated an anti-littering campaign in 2010 where it introduced the Litter-Free Ambassadors to encourage public to take ownership and responsibility of their own actions. These Ambassadors are volunteers who will engage in outreach activities to share educational materials by having house-to-house visits and to encourage litterbugs to pick up their trash.
Furthermore, they also have the duty to report to authorities when a bin is overfilled so that actions can be taken to minimize future problem (i.e. larger bins in crowded areas).



Keep Singapore Clean Movement Campaign

The community can work with grassroots leaders to further encourage public to take ownership by having a program where residents are required to help out with monthly cleaning of the residential areas via a rotational basis such that every resident from different blocks will have the opportunity to take responsibilities in keeping their own residential place clean. This can be merged with the Keep Singapore Clean movement as the main aim of the movement is to keep the public area clean.

More about Singapore Clean Movement can be seen here: