An Introduction

Hi! Welcome to the site ?

Before you start on the site, I would like for you to recall the last time you were at the supermarket, or the last time you were thinking about what to get for lunch:

Do you stop to think about the environmental impact of the things you buy?

If you are like most people, the answer is probably – usually not, if at all.

Regardless of ecological awareness, shopping patterns have still been found to be more greatly influenced by standard retail purchasing factors, such as convenience, price, and merchandise range (Memery, Megicks, & Williams, 2005). Potential reasons explaining this gap in attitude and behaviour include the inaccessibility of the information, as well as the lack of cues in the environment that prompt us to think about it.

Hence, the aim of this blog is to close the gap between knowing and doing but increasing the association between the location (the supermarket), the produce (groceries), and the environment, such that when you trip to the supermarket will prompt the activation of your environmental knowledge.


This blog is categorized by major food categories that are typically found at the supermarket, within which there will be one environmental issue associated with it. You may click on any of the cute icons on the homepage to be redirected to the categories.

To close the gap between knowing about the issues and how it relates to your purchase, the site also provides specific recommendations on what are the more sustainable options to purchase. All in all, the blog is designed to guide you through your shopping process, with the focus on your purchase of sustainable foods in supermarkets.