Youtube. (2012, October 4). Worries Grow About Decline in Asia’s Coastal Fish Stocks [Video file]. Retrieved from

Stumble upon this documentary demonstrating how overfishing is deeply rooted in poverty and that effectiveness of marine conservation efforts can be improved if programs on regulating fishing is complemented with education to raise awareness of its importance.

Let alone how destructive fishing methods such as dynamite fishing disrupts fishes reproductive capabilities, fishermen view fishing as a vital source of livelihood and would thus prioritise on increasing their catches with lesser regards to how their actions further decimate the fish population. This is especially so for impoverish fisherman as seen in the film who needs to feed a family of 9 . With the reduction in catches , fisherman are compelled into believing that they have no other choices but to adopt even harsher fishing methods to improve their yields and this contributes to a vicious cycle where fish stocks would continue to decrease.