Exams and Schools

This was admittedly the first cause I had in mind when choosing to create a blog about paper use. Throughout my time at school and university I have take more exams than I would like to wish on another person. However, I am not unique in this experience. Each Academic year huge amounts of paper is used.

Image result for paper aeroplane in class

Figure 1. Student about to throw a paper airplane. (Wavebreakmedia, 2015)

By calculating the amount of paper used in a school in NYC, the government released that roughly 2’800 sheets of paper were used per student. Lets look at the Math around that:

If a school has 1000 students (quite big but nothing crazy) then the school would use 2.8 million sheets of paper every year (roughly $200’000 worth of paper). While this number is not as high as offices this is still an extremely large amount of paper consumption.