Hello there! My name is Vivian and I love watching movies. Who doesn’t, right? One movie that I watched spoke about elephants, how they are so important to and respected by native tribes. In Thailand, elephants are sacred and portrayed in many artworks that are used in royal palaces and temples. I love how if you are small, their trunks are basically an in-built swing for you and how their ears are so flappy that Dumbo uses them to fly. I always wanted to ride on one, and was devastated when I heard that Singapore Zoo has taken the rides away. But as I grow older and the more I read about the plight of elephants, the sadder I feel for them, in particular the way that they are killed for their ivory tusks. It’s shocking how animals in some countries are being exploited for monetary gains, with no thoughts whatsoever for the consequences that could happen. And thus my topic on Elephant Conservation for this blog.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at vivi0019@e.ntu.edu.sg.

Thank you!

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