As individuals, there are several action steps we can take towards elephant conservation.


The ivory trade stems from demand from consumers all over the world. Many people don’t actually realize where their ivory comes from and it is a popular misconception that removal of the tusks don’t kill the elephants or that their tusks would grow back on its own. By correcting the misconceptions, we can direct individuals to see the detrimental effects the ivory demand has on elephant populations. Similarly, the reduction in demand for elephant rides can reduce the incidences of elephants being captured from the wild and tamed to meet tourists’ demands.


Other than refraining from purchasing ivory products, we can also spread the word around for others to do the same. Ultimately, the ivory trade is driven by our demand for ivory and thus collectively, we have the biggest impact on reducing the ivory trade. Even with a ban on ivory trade, the presence of a demand for ivory would continue to fuel illegal trading of ivory since it presents an opportunity for poachers to earn extra income. In my opinion,  raising public’s awareness through education would be the most effective approach. Disincentives such as laws and fines or legal punishment are stop-gap measures since ultimately values, attitudes and beliefs would have to change for demand of ivory to cease.


In addition, the use of FSC-certified products can be encouraged. FSC stands for Forest Stewardship Council and products which are FSC-certified products are products that have been made using crops or materials that are grown in plantations that comply with environmental standards and protect the habitats of elephants. Individuals can also make a public statement by pledging their commitment to protecting elephants or volunteer with various elephant parks or sanctuaries around the world to gain first-hand experiences and increase their interactions with elephants. Most of these sanctuaries are non-profitable and can always use an additional helping hand!

Take an action now!

For something more fun, you can adopt an elephant as well. By adopting an elephant, you are contributing towards conservation efforts as well as research and education to help the elephants live longer. Such a symbolic animal adoption would also help to raise awareness. The WWF’s adoptions is one of the most common ways to do this but you can do this closer to home too. The Wildlife Reserves Singapore, which manages our Singapore Zoo, allows individuals to make donations that will help with the upkeep of elephants in our zoo. Go on and take action now!

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