Facts & Figures

There are many different types of waste generated in Singapore, and each of these waste types contributes in different percentage to the total generated waste. The waste type which has the highest percentage of waste generated is construction debris (18.40%), followed by ferrous metal (17.57%), and the third highest produced waste is from paper and cardboard (15.54%).

There has been a huge amount of waste produced by Singapore over the years, and has been increasing in the past 3 years (2014 to 2016). The total amount of waste generated in Singapore rose by 140,700 tonnes last year to hit 7.81 million tonnes in 2016, this amount of waste could fill approximately 3,000 olympic-sized swimming pools!

In that 7.81 million tonnes of waste produced, there is a percentage in which the waste can be recycled. Statistics from the National Environmental Agency reported a good news, in which there is an increase in the amount of domestic waste recycled, from 403,500 tonnes in 2015 to 435,600 tonnes in 2016!