About The Author


Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am Tracy Chow, a year 2 Psychology undergraduate from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and I am currently pursuing a minor in Environmental Sustainability.

I love to travel and would rather visit the outskirts than the city. With my camera, I could probably spend the whole day exploring nature and bask in the beauty of our world. My interest in nature started to grow when I was studying in Singapore Polytechnic after being exposed to several documentaries. Ever since then, I have been more conscious about my lifestyle decisions and have been transitioning to implement environmentally sustainable practices.

In this blog, I discussed the transboundary impacts of dams along the Mekong River and I was actually exposed to this issue in another module from NTU called Environmental Sustainability. I hope this blog gives you a broader understanding of this issue and how it may potentially impact millions of lives, including us.