Blogger’s Conclusion


There is a common saying that goes, “It takes 2 hands to clap”. Consistent green purchase behavior from consumers cannot be possible without the active participation from companies to provide green products in the market. Nonetheless, the key driving force is fundamentally originated from consumers. Without the demand for green products among consumers, it will be difficult and not rational for companies to consistently provide such goods.

Finally, I hope all these information have raised your awareness of your role as consumers in helping to change the current environmental landscape.

Credits : Teresa Journeys Home

Like the ripple effect, a small drop of water…

Credits : Dunn M.

is able to create ever-expanding ripples on a still water surface. A collective small act can have a collective sustainable impact on the environment.

Your willingness to participate important. You can make a difference. Act now.


Images credit to the following respectively:-

Teresa Journeys Home (2011). Retrieved 4 April 2012 from,

Dunn M. (2011). Retrieved 4 April 2012, from,