Information: personal account

Tapping on the word-of-mouth strategy, personal account from visitors who have joined environmental programs play a strong role in encouraging parents in bringing their children to join the fun. Here are some of the account that I particularly like on some of the visitors who have joined the programs organized by the Nature Society (Singapore) Education Group. (Information taken from Fun with Nature- NSS Kids Blog with permission)

Fun with nature sketching and origami at Bukit Batok nature park.

The kids had the chance to experience nature art in the natural environment which is a great for inspirations and allow children to explore their creativity!

Image taken from Fun with Nature- NSS Kids Blog

Under the guidance of facilitators, children, together with parents and caregivers were having fun making origami and nature sketching! The kids were also taught of how nature sketching could be used as a tool to note the features of newly-encountered wildlife. The kids were also encouraged to note down sightings and note down information such as date, time, place and weather condition to enhance the learning process.


Image taken from Fun with Nature- NSS Kids Blog


Here is a brief introduction on Nature Society (Singapore) Education Group. Their mission is to reconnect young children to nature by organizing fun activities in nature parks and nature reserves in Singapore. These activities encourage fun learning and experience for young kids in natural environment! NSS also has a blog that features the fun activities and pictures taken during the field trip. click here to check out the blog 

More reflections from visitors:

Image taken from:

(See above) The visitors of reservoir park reported feeling calm and nature experience has basically provided them a place to relax and escape from the daily stressors.