Environment as an object

There is a wide range of activities that you can do at the nature reserves in Singapore which you can learn more about nature! Some of the activities include bird-watching, heritage trials and guided tours, learning about flora and faunas, trekking and nature walks and many more!

According to the attitude theory, attitude has a target object. Environmental attitude can be conceptualized in terms of beliefs and affect towards an object. To better understand this, environment can be viewed as an object. People generally do not view environment as a whole but they value certain aspects of the environment. Therefore, experiencing the natural environment would help develop affection towards certain aspects of nature.

Over here, I have listed some of the places that you can find in Singapore. You can also learn about the special attractions of the places under their descriptions. Keep a lookout for those features that interest you!

1) Admiralty Park

Besides having a nice view of the landscapes, there is a river at the park known as Sungei Cina. The park has three boardwalks that span across a large area in the park where you can have a nice view of the mangrove plants and mudskippers! These boardwalks allow the visitors to have a good view of the floral and fauna near the river and at the same time, minimizing the disturbance to them.


The visitors on the boardwalk- Image taken from Fun with Nature- NSS Kids Blog

In addition, there is an interactive website that provides information of the plants which can be found at the Admiralty park done by a joint collaboration with Republic Polytechnic. Check out the website here!

To sum up, for this example I have mentioned the attractions of Admiralty Park which include Sungei Cina and getting a close view of flora and faunas like mangrove swamps and mudskippers. Therefore, these aspects of environment are the attraction points that would interest you.

2) Labrador Nature Reserve

If you are especially fond of sea breeze and having a nice view of the shore, Labrador nature reserve will be a good destination for you to experience coastal walk and enjoy a close view of the flora and faunas at Berlayer Creek mangrove. Be sure to explore Alexandra Garden Trail and take a walk along the coastal foothill of Bukit Chermin on the boardwalk.


Picture taken from: http://leonefabre.blogspot.com/2012/01/labrador-nature-coastal-walk.html

Of cos, this list is not all-inclusive! However, I have shown you how to lookout out for aspects in the environment that could interest you. We should all give ourselves the opportunities to experience nature and unleash your innate love for nature. It would not take us long to enjoy the company of nature.

I hope you have learnt as much as I do about the various ways to get close to nature and you would bring your friends and family along to explore nature during the weekend and holiday!