Why Conserve

Conservation is NOT abstinence.

It is important to understand the essence of conservation before proceeding with actions, because the way we understand conservation leads to different behavioral outcomes.

I used to think that conservation equated to abstinence- to conserve the forest means to not cut the trees, to conserve water means to shut the tap when I’m brushing my teeth.

Alas, abstinence is only one, out of many solutions. But first, let me provide my textbook’s (Clayton S. & Myers G. (2009). Conservation Psychology: Understanding and Promoting Human Care for Nature. Oxford, UK. Wiley-Blackwell) definition of conservation psychology:

“To understand the interdependence between humans and nature, and promote a healthy and sustainable relationship”

Conservation is really, about sustainability. Abstinence is not a means to an end.

Abstinence is applied at the point where the resource becomes unsustainable. As the shark population has already been depleted by 80%, it is pertinent that we abstain from finning to allow its recovery.

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