Education and Awareness Building

School children being taught about orangutans and the rain forests Credit:

School children being taught about orangutans and the rain forests
Credit: Orangutan Foundation

Education is believed to be a way that is suitable for preventing the further destruction of habitats and increasing awareness in children. Awareness of the situation is not enough, as most locals may be aware of the plight and yet be unable to do anything to help simply because they do not have the means and knowledge to do so. This approach helps to prevent that.

For example, the Orangutan Foundation makes regular trips to schools, communities, plantations, remote villages and even government institutions to conduct free classes to the students. An environmental learning center is also set up to teach the locals about sustainable farming and fishing.

Local communities that live close to protected rainforests can be taught to help protect the rainforests against illegal logging. This not only helps to prevent destruction of habitat, it also instills a sense of pride and ownership among the communities. Communities that have farms near orangutan habitats can be encouraged to plant crops that are less attractive to orangutans so that their crops would be less susceptible to damage by the orangutans.