Sumatran Tiger

The Sumatran Tiger is a rare tiger species that inhabits the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Although they are protected by the Indonesian government with laws and fines, these species are currently severely endangered with only less than 400 left.

The Sumatran Tigers are smaller in size with a full grown male only about 300 pounds and have a very slender appearance. They are smaller in size due to the limited natural habitat for them to reside in. They are also smaller in size due to the prey that they consume there being smaller than what other species of tigers have access to. 

They can be distinguished by their heavy black stripes on their orange coats. Their stripes allow them to blend in with their natural habitat which includes high grass areas. They feature webbing between their toes which is why they are naturals in the waters which allows them to increase the variety of prey they catch.

Sumatran tiger showing its agility in water

Sumatran tiger showing its agility in water

These tigers live in habitats such as Tropical Broadleaf Evergreen, Forest, Peat Swamps, and Freshwater Swamp Forests. Many of their natural habitats are being destroyed by deforestation which is one of the main reason for their endangerment, poaching is also another facto