About the Author


I am Pamela and I am currently studying in NTU majoring in Psychology, which probably explains why i am taking this Conservation Psychology Module. Before taking this course, i never knew much about conservation psychology. But now, I’m rather thankful to be in this course as I’ve learnt so much about the environment and what can be done to help the environment. Honestly, I never really gave much thought into saving the environment (beyond using the aircon above 25 degrees and saving paper by using both sides) until i took this course.


Well..this is me!

So, why did i choose to work on the Malayan sun bear? The whole time i only knew that i wanted to do this blog on an animal but i could not decide which animal to work on, then i happened to chance up the Malayan sun bear. This bear is rather neglected and I did not know much about it, so i decided to do on this topic to learn more about the sun bear and at the same time tell others more about it!

So..tadah! Heres my blog! Oh, and by the way, thank you for reading this blog. I really appreciate it. Hope that it is informative and that you’ve learnt something about the malayan sun bear along the way like i’ve did.  🙂