
Moving on, another research from the School of Psychology in University of Surrey showed how value and identity played an important role on human behavior. Do watch the video to gain more insights.

Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl9Bkmv5Gkc&list=PLHJ6Aq32m4jsrTPkANNgwbiLZre_lrDUn&index=10

Hence, people tends to do what they are doing because they like that identity. The example given in the video was parents driving their children to school instead of walking to show a better identity of them. Similarly, in the “Stone Age” biases, human value relative over absolute status (Vugt, Griskevicius, & Schultz, 2014). This is especially true when green products are of a cheaper price and implying a status loss. Thus, green products lost their desirability as human only engage in activities that increase their relative status. Therefore, individuals are less willing to be involved in conservation as it associate with a lower relative status.

Perhaps one way to get people to engage in conservation will be to provide higher quality and more expensive environmentally friend products. This will gain their interest as conservation comes with a status increase now. Together with the cost, word of mouth will embellish this solution. Other than getting peers and relatives to be involve, endorsement by celebrity could be ideal in portraying conservation as a good will and wealth as well.

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For example, sponsoring celebrities hybrid car so that people will get the idea that it is something high status people are using and influence them into getting one. We should never forget how influential celebrities can get.

Other than hybrid cars, there is a recent new product called “Eco-Fashion”
Retrieved from http://landarchs.com/top-10-eco-friendly-products/

These eco-friendly rings and bracelets are designed by Anthony Roussel. They are made of recycled wood and cork and embellished by layering them together to achieve a beautiful 3D design. Yes, such accessories are made of recycled material which deter people from buying as it portray a lower status as to owning a chanel or hermes accessories. However, it will be a total different story if celebrities endorse it. For example, getting Victoria Beckham to wear such accessories will definitely cause a huge commotion.

“Victoria Beckham who owns hundreds of Birkin bags is now wearing such accessories? I have to get it!”

I believe such respond will be rather common.

Therefore, i feel that marketing of eco-friendly product can make a huge different in human perception of it. By changing the perception of human, we can get them to behave differently from what they are now.

“Human are selfish, egoistic and superficial”

All in all, the best ways to get human to be involve in conservation is governmental approach, incentive and putting them in any situation that raise their status. This is my two cents worth, comment about yours as well? Let us work together for our mother nature.