What could be done

Foster sustainable behavior through communication and environmental education.

Zoos maximize experience by facilitating interactive experiences (reported more support for conservation), emotionally engaging animals, highlighting conservation issues, persuasion, animal shows, showing animals in their natural setting since zoos have high visitor rates and is a major way people experience nature, foster interest and concern.

4 value orientations- utilitarian, mutualism, attraction and concern for safety. Changes in attitudes and activities should veer towards more mutualistic, seeing benefits for both and egalitarianism towards other species. And less utilitarian.

Economic theory of Externalities: People are only willing to pay for a value they expect to receive so how can we get them to internalize the external costs burdened on the animals? Note: Economic loss lessens concern for animals.

Provide rights to increase incentive to conserve i.e. each community owns a plot of Greenland in Singapore where they are limited to be able to visit these places for free. In the event of visitation to other green land not under their co-ownership, a small amount of visitation fee is put in place.
Auction environment use by placing bids on license for waste release to curb rising waste production that follows increase in affluence.
A key technology resource we can tap on is the social networking system. By identifying social connections in the community, we can locate the strongest links in the networks i.e. leaders and influential people. Involving these prominent individuals would inject desired norms and values throughout the community. Further elaboration of messages and cognitive effort involved to process conservation information would hopefully activate the central route of processing for long-term attitude change for participants to feel motivated and empowered.

With regards to the multi racial and cultural social context of Singapore, our complex cultural melting pot might not take well or be efficient for religious approaches. However, it will always be the aim for conservation to reach a discretionary behavior level; good behavior carried out beyond the established norms.

Should human-nature interactionism be prevented altogether?
+Prevent perceived threats to safety->when people are educated in a mediated setting such as the zoo, they gain knowledge on the animals therefore do not fear towards what they do not know.
+Human-wildlife conflict reduced; this could be done through a series of barriers to fragment off human land and wildlife habitats.
-Can interactionism be prevented?
No. Humans and nature alike are bound to this land. What more this dense population will bound to ensure encounter with nature.