Hannah Alper

Hannah Alper. Retrieved from http://www.callmehannah.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/IMG_9909.jpg

 You make me believe that I can make a difference in the world

Hannah Alper is a 11 year old eco blogger who blogs at http://www.callmehannah.ca/. She loves animals and is passionate about the environment. Often sharing tips on how to be more eco-friendly and what she has learnt thus far, she has gathered a large following for her blog. One day, she was shown a video of Severn Cullis-Suzuki speaking for a Dove campaign called Women Who Should Be Famous by her mother. Her mother felt that Hannah would relate to it, and she did! The Dove campaign aimed to empower young girls, and Cullis-Suzuki was one of the inspiring women being honoured. Feeling that they are both similar in many ways-  being passionate about the environment and started out as a young voice for the environment, Cullis-Suzuki made Hannah feel that she could also make a difference in the world. That day onwards, she became Hannah’s role model. Hannah also wrote in her blog that she is happy to have found out about Cullis-Suzuki and will continue to learn more about her, her family and what they are doing to help the environment.

Image source: http://www.callmehannah.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/3.jpg

Poster from Dove on Hannah Alper. Retrieved from http://www.callmehannah.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/3.jpg

Shortly after writing the blog post of how Cullis-Suzuki inspired her, she gained the attention from the people of Dove and organisers of Blissdom Canda.

Given the opportunity to introduce Cullis-Suzuki before her keynote in Blissdom Canada, Hannah got to meet her role model in person! She published her speech here.  Hannah also took the opportunity to interview Cullis-Suzuki in this video below, where Cullis-Suzuki shares some insights on Rio 1992 with Hannah, including how she felt slightly nervous about attending Rio 1992 and spending 2 weeks working on her speech, doing everything to build up towards that moment on stage.