Orangutan Biology

Physical Appearance

Coat Both the Bornean and the Sumatran species have a red shaggy coat of fur. The exact coloration, however, is determined by its age and lineage.
Arms Orangutans have a extensive arm span. Their powerful arms are stronger and longer than their legs, extending their reach up to approximately 2 meters in length from fingertip to fingertip! When standing stretched up, their hands are in close proximity of the ground.
Flanges Adult males are either flanged or unflanged. Flanges refers to the distinctive cheek pads and throat sac used to them make long calls i.e. verbalise. The flanged male is regarded to be more attractive and thus, produces more offsprings than the unflanged male.

Source: IFLScience

Source: IFLScience

The unflanged male resembles an adult female. They are able to reproduce and an unflanged male can transform itself into a flanged male. Among all other primates, this biological phenomenon is unique to the orangutans.

Weight Male orangutans can weigh up to 90 kilograms, while the females usually range between 30 – 50 kilograms.

Life Cycle of an Orangutan

Source: World Wildlife Fund

Source: World Wildlife Fund

In the wild, orangutans can live up to some 50 years. Females will have their first offspring between the age of 10 to 15, giving birth no more than once every half a decade. Intervals between reproduction can extend up to 10 years. Orangutan pregnancy lasts for about 265 days, and they usually give birth to a single young.

The young is often closely attached to its mother until it reaches adulthood. While orangutans have the longest period of infancy amongst the great apes, wild orangutans in particular, seems to grow more slowly than human infants.

Together, the long time needed to attain sexual maturity, extended birth intervals, and low fertility rates contributes to an miserable reproductive rate. This makes orangutan populations exceptionally susceptible to high mortality rates, and population recovery will require a extended amount of time.

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