Orangutan Diet

Orangutans search for food in the daytime, with fruits making up a large majority of their diet. These primates consume a variety of over 300 kinds of fruits, particularly favouring those fruits that are high in carbohydrates and proteins. They also eat bark, leaves, flowers, a variety of insects, and scarcely ever, meat.

Source: Redditweekly.com

Source: Reddit Weekly

Fun fact: Orangutans are especially fond of the king of fruits, durian!

Frequent rain collected on leaves provides orangutans with their drinking water. When water is hard to obtain, they chew leaves to create a sponge for soaking up water in tree cavities.

The food foraging process of the orangutan is a clear display of both their intelligence and experience in tracking down their food. The orangutan is thought to have an intricate mind map of the forest, and elaborate knowledge of the fruiting cycles of different types of trees.

For female orangutans with babies, they will also teach their young on the types of food to eat, where and when to find them.

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