Mangrove Restoration

One major mangrove rehabilitation effort in Aceh is a re-planting program initiated by the central government funded National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation. The replanting projects were an appropriate option in the immediate aftermath of the tsunami and provided a positive and tangible reconstruction effort that communities could be involved in and that aid organisations could facilitate. The table shows the target land areas to be restored.

However a study revealed certain shortcomings of the programme.

The first of these was the apparent lack of a wider community participation in some cases. Replanting initiatives was limited to the village leaders and farmer groups formed at the early stage of the program. As a result the majority of the villagers were not aware of the on-going mangrove rehabilitation program and its details, and henceforth, did not participate in the programme.

In some fishing communities, such as Pulau Banyak of Aceh Singkil, offshore fishery rehabilitation was prioritised over mangrove restoration. In these areas, the locals decided to let the mangroves regrow naturally instead.

There was also a lack of specific and clear plans for the subsequent sustainable use of the replanted mangroves. Thus it was seen the newly rehabilitated mangroves were not tended to after the programme as the locals did not derive any economic benefit or other form of incentive from it. Potential conflict would also arrive over how the land is to be used.

In conclusion, this mangrove rehabillitation project highlights the importance of balancing conservation issues with the community needs and long-term planning. You can read more about it here:

Kanagaratnam, U., Schwarz, A. M., Adhuri, D., & Dey, M. M. (2006). Mangrove rehabilitation in the west coast of Aceh: issues and perspectives. NAGA, Worldfish Center Quarterly, 29(3-4), 10-18.


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