Mitigating The Problem


The main cause of this problem is the high demand for pangolin meat and its various parts. Education about the pangolins, its natural habitat and its role in the ecosystem may increase an understanding and reducing the demand. Emphasis also has to be placed on educating and creating awareness about the Asiatic pangolins’ endangered status and the actual medicinal values that pangolins and its parts have in traditional medicine.

Utilizing Communities’ Knowledge

The communities that co-exist with the Asian pangolins have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to be tapped on. The lack of research and knowledge about these nocturnal and mysterious animals often hinder appropriate conservation measures to be implemented. With the help of these rural communities, more knowledge can be gained about the behaviours and hunting practices used to capture them. As a result, better and more effective protective and preventive measures can be implemented in order to ensure that the poaching and illegal hunting of these pangolins are drastically reduced.

Community Based Guidelines and Management of the Commons

Appropriate land resource allocation and the sustainable consumption of these Asiatic pangolins can reverse the effects of the tragedy of the commons. However, this measure must be implemented on a community-wide scale in order for it to be effective. By combining community management with rewards and education, this three-pronged approach may prove to be more effective in disseminating information more effective through the use of word of mouth and individuals’ social networks.

In addition, by creating a community-based guideline where everyone in the group is informed and agreeable, individuals will be more willing to abide by the rules and regulations. At the same time, members of the community can enforce these rules and keep each other in check to ensure that both the community’s and the Asian pangolins well-being is taken care of.

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