Waste Reduction

Singapore Packaging Agreement

It was reported in 2014 that packaging waste comprised of one third the total amount of domestic waste. Think about a time where you went to shop at the supermarket. The box of biscuits you took probably contains smaller individual packets. When you went to pay at the counter, you are given another plastic bag. Now you probably have a better idea of how much wasteful materials a full shopping basket contains.

Credit: theguardian.com

Credit: theguardian.com

Singapore Packaging Agreement (SPA) is an initiative to encourage voluntary participation from companies to reduce the amount of packaging materials. As of 2015, SPA has garnered commitment from 164 signatories and reduced a whopping 26,000 tonnes of packaging waste! Minimizing the amount of packaging not only help the companies to project themselves as more environmentally friendly but more importantly, it helps to reduce packaging costs. According to NEA, companies have saved about $58 million over 8 years. 

Credit: NEA

Credit: NEA

Besides reducing packaging waste, companies can also consider changing to green packaging. Greenpac is a local company that offers such services by using eco-friendly materials and unique packaging methods that are reusable and returnable to help clients reduce waste and save more money.

Credit: Greenpac Singapore Pte Ltd

Credit: Greenpac Singapore Pte Ltd

Mandatory Waste Reporting for Large Commercial Premises

According to NEA, big hotels can generate as much as 1000 kg of waste everyday but only 10% of it is recycled. As such, NEA made it compulsory for large commercial premises such as hotels and shopping malls to submit their waste data and waste reduction plans. The objective is to involve these companies in waste reduction and to encourage more recycling efforts.

What Does The Companies Stand to Gain? 

Although there are government funding schemes such as the 3R Fund to support companies’ waste reduction and recycling projects, have you ever thought about why these companies are motivated to better manage their waste? As we all know, the bottom line of businesses is profit. Did you know that companies have to pay a fee for waste disposal services? By reducing their waste amount, companies can enjoy greater savings and even earn revenue by selling recyclables. For example, Grand Hyatt Singapore has saved about $17, 000 of waste disposal fee per year from its recycling programme!

Credit: NEA

Credit: NEA




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